Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of getting caught up in the daily grind. Work commitments, school runs, wondering what to cook for dinner, and the list goes on…Living well is something we all strive for, and it may sound cliche but implementing some simple daily habits can make such a positive difference to our wellbeing.

As a deaf entrepreneur, this is a topic that’s close to my heart. The statistics around mental health within the deaf community are stark, with up to 50% of us facing challenges compared to 25% of the general population. My journey with wellness began as a way to deal with feelings of isolation and exclusion, especially when faced with accessibility barriers to inspiration and learning. Turning to wellness, I found a way to nurture my mental health, discovering a sense of belonging and balance. Sharing this path and helping others find their way to wellness is not just my passion – it’s my mission.

In business, wellness isn’t a luxury, it’s essential. It keeps me balanced, energised, and ready to tackle challenges. So, I want to share five simple daily habits that have made a huge difference in my life. Hopefully, they can do the same for you.

Curious about incorporating wellness into your workday? My socials are bursting with wellness content.

Come say hi! 

Below are my 5 Simple Daily Habits For Enhanced Wellness

1. Start with a mindful morning

Before the world wakes up, take a moment for yourself. Whether it’s meditation, a workout, or just enjoying your morning tea in peace, starting your day mindfully sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. It’s about giving yourself the space to prepare mentally for the day ahead. For me, it’s a chance to connect with myself without any distractions.

I log on to daily “be-well” calls from 6.30 am to 7 am, this has been an absolute game-changer for my morning routine, and something I love to do for me!

2. Prioritise tasks strategically

Organising your day isn’t just about listing everything you need to do in one big long list, it’s about identifying what matters most that day. I take time each morning to sort through my tasks, focusing on what needs my attention most and what aligns with my goals. I use tools like Asana to keep track of what’s urgent and important, which helps me stay productive without feeling overwhelmed. This approach has made a significant difference in how I tackle my workday and has kept me on track towards achieving my long-term goals.

It’s all about working smarter, not harder!

3. Take regular breaks

Sounds like an obvious one, but concentration fatigue is real! A lot of my communication requires intense focus, like lipreading in online meetings so regular breaks are my reset button, crucial for productivity. During these pauses, Arbonne’s Fizz Sticks are my go-to instead of coffee. They’re a healthier pick-me-up that revitalises me without the crash, perfectly complementing my gym time or a moment of quiet away from work.

4. Stay connected with your network

As someone who navigates the world differently, I find massive value in networking. Staying in touch with my circle is like a breath of fresh air. It keeps me connected and gives me such a confidence boost! These moments with business owners, mentors, friends, and clients genuinely light up my day, spark creativity, and have led to opportunities I hadn’t imagined. It’s these connections that make the self-employed journey feel a lot less lonely.

Never underestimate the power of connection!

5. End of day reflections

At the end of each day, I take a little time to reflect on everything that’s happened. I like to acknowledge the effort and progress I’ve made. I celebrate the wins, big or small because every step forward is worth recognising. Then, I briefly think about any challenges, not with frustration, but for learning and growth (which is super important to me).

It’s a simple yet powerful routine that keeps me motivated and focused, reminding me of the progress I’m making every single day towards my goals.

Incorporating these habits into my daily routine has not only significantly improved my mental (and physical) health, but has also given me a stronger foundation to face the challenges of running a business and navigating life as a deaf individual. It’s about creating a balance and ensuring that I’m not just surviving but thriving.

Let’s embrace wellness in all aspects of our lives. It’s the small changes that lead to big impacts. Here’s to a healthier, happier life!

Are you a busy business owner or professional eager to infuse wellness into your hectic workday? Look no further!

Sign up embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness. By signing up, you’ll gain access to exclusive insights, tips, and resources on mindfulness, self-care practices, and the art of journaling. Additionally, join our dynamic Facebook Group where we delve deeper into incorporating wellness practices into your lifestyle. As someone familiar with the demands of a busy schedule, I’m dedicated to providing insights and support to help you achieve a healthier and more balanced life. Let’s navigate this journey towards wellness together!

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