Starting my own business was never just about making a living, it was about making a genuine difference in my life while aiming to inspire others. As someone who is deaf, I’ve faced my fair share of obstacles in business (and in life), but each one has taught me something valuable about resilience, innovation, and the true meaning of accessibility.

Throughout this journey, I realised that the unique challenges I face could prompt solutions not just for me but for others striving to navigate their personal and professional worlds with similar hurdles. The drive to improve accessibility in every aspect of life and business became not only a goal but a necessity. It’s this journey of pushing boundaries and challenging “the norm”.

So here I am! Offering insights and inspiration to anyone looking to make their mark, regardless of the barriers they may encounter.

Got a story or challenge to share? I’d love to hear from you.

Let’s have a chat

The Beginning

My passion for business and a deep-seated desire to improve accessibility for the deaf community were the driving forces behind my venture into entrepreneurship. My background is in design, an industry that allows messages to be conveyed beyond the barriers of language, and I wanted my business to embody that principle.

I quickly discovered that my real passion and what gets me excited is the world of health and well-being. It’s about so much more than just being fit, it’s about feeling good inside and out. I wanted to create a space where we could talk about this stuff. From eating right to moving more to just taking a break when the world gets a bit overwhelming (we’ve all been there, right!). Wellness isn’t one-size-fits-all, especially for us in the deaf community. I’ve always believed we could use our unique experiences to lead healthier, happier lives, and that’s what drove me to start this journey.

Overcoming Communication Barriers

Running a business requires clear communication with clients, collaborators, and the community. Being deaf added a layer of complexity to this, but it also forced me to be more creative and assertive in finding solutions. I’ve relied heavily on visual aids and technology, and these tools haven’t just helped me, they truly have enhanced the way my business operates, making information more accessible to everyone.

Talking business when you’re deaf means you’ve got to get a bit inventive with how you chat with the world. It threw a spanner in the works, for sure, but it also got me thinking outside the box. I leaned into visuals and captions, etc. not just as a workaround but as savvy tools to aid with my communication. These tweaks didn’t just make my life easier,  they’ve made communication more inclusive for me and everyone involved.

Wellness and Work

The stress of business ownership can be overwhelming for anyone, and it can be even more so when you’re also advocating for change. I quickly realised that taking care of my mental and physical health wasn’t just important for me, it was crucial for the health of my business. This realisation pushed me to adopt a balanced approach to work, one that values rest and self-care as much as hard work.

✨ Feeling inspired? Follow my journey for more insights into entrepreneurship and wellness.

Building Connections

One aspect of my journey I didn’t expect to be so rewarding was networking. Initially, I saw my deafness as a barrier to forming professional relationships. However, being open about my experiences attracts like-minded people and businesses. Advocating for accessibility has not only broadened my network but has also opened up opportunities for collaboration and support that I never even knew existed.

To Other Entrepreneurs

Whether you’re deaf or hearing, an aspiring entrepreneur, or an established business leader, here’s what I’ve learned…your unique challenges can become your greatest assets, so embrace them. Let them guide you toward innovative solutions and approaches. The business world is diverse (and sometimes a little intimidating), but there’s a place for all of us. By championing accessibility and inclusivity, we’re not just making our businesses better, we’re making the business world a better place for everyone.

Being deaf and running a business has been a life-changing experience for me, and I’m so proud to be part of a community that rallies together to support each other. I’ve learned that with determination, and a focus on wellness, it’s possible to overcome any obstacle and smash your goals!

If you found this post helpful, consider sharing it with your network to spread the word on accessibility and entrepreneurship.

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