Hearing loss is more than a statistic, it’s a reality that affects millions, touching every aspect of their lives, from social interactions to mental health. In the UK alone, 1 in 6 adults experiences some degree of hearing loss. This issue spans across ages, with a significant portion being over 60. Yet, what’s startling is the gap between those who could benefit from hearing aids (6.7 million) and those who use them (about 2 million).

If the realities of hearing loss touch you or someone you know, I’m here to help. Book a consultation with me and let’s discuss how we can work together to create more accessible environments and support systems for those experiencing hearing loss, or what you can do as a business or individual.

Your involvement can spark the change we need. Click HERE to schedule a time to chat. Cheryl I’ve added your IG link here but feel free to change it to any point of contact you like.

On the left: Cheryl is wearing a cochlear implant.
On the right: an audiogram chart showing different levels of hearing loss (taken from Cochlear website – see reference below)

Deafness in Youths

Children’s statistics are equally compelling. Over 50,000 deaf children live in the UK, with three born deaf every day. Most of these children (90%) are born to hearing parents, navigating a world that’s predominantly designed for hearing. This reality underscores the need for early diagnosis, support, and technology like cochlear implants, which about 12,000 people in the UK currently use.

My Personal Connection

My journey with hearing loss is both personal and familial. In our household, deafness and hearing coexist. My son and I navigate life with cochlear implants, transforming silence into a world filled with sounds. My daughter, a CODA (Children of Deaf Adults), has grown up embracing both worlds, learning the importance of inclusivity from a young age. It’s a narrative shared by many, highlighting diverse experiences within the deaf community.

The Impact of Hearing Loss

The effects of hearing loss extend beyond the auditory. It’s a leading cause of disability, often leading to social isolation and depression. But it’s the everyday moments like missing out on movies because of a lack of subtitles or feeling excluded due to inaccessible content that truly highlight the challenges faced by me and others

The Power of Inclusivity

Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a necessity. With younger generations four times more likely to use subtitles and countless stories of missed connections due to inaccessibility, the message is clear: being inclusive isn’t optional, it’s about creating a world where everyone, regardless of hearing ability can participate fully.

Recognising the importance of accessibility, I’m offering consultation calls to help businesses, content creators, and workplaces become more inclusive. If you’re looking to make a real difference and open your services to a wider audience, let’s talk!

Up for a Challenge?

To understand the world through our eyes, I invite you to take on a challenge. Turn off the volume on your device and try to lip-read a video, or wear headphones for an hour during your daily tasks. It’s a glimpse into our reality, one that emphasises the importance of making every aspect of society accessible.

Check out my old podcast video ‘Chat & Lipreading CHALLENGE with my hearing sister’

Awareness is the first step towards change. If you’re moved by the statistics and stories shared here, I encourage you to join us in making a difference. Whether it’s by supporting hearing loss charities, advocating for more accessible technologies, or simply starting a conversation on social media about the importance of inclusivity, every action counts. 

As part of my dedication to making a difference, I’m running a half marathon in October to support Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, inspired by Gordon, a hearing dog I sponsored who has profoundly changed a young girl’s life. Join me in this journey towards greater accessibility and inclusivity – Join me in supporting this incredible cause, your donation can help change lives, just like Gordon! Let’s make a difference together – DONATE HERE

Reach out to learn how you can be part of this journey towards a more understanding and accessible world for all. Let’s amplify the voices that need to be heard and take meaningful steps together.

Contact me to find out how you can contribute and make a tangible impact in the lives of those with hearing loss.

Email: hello@cheryldevlin.co.uk
Follow me on Instagram
Connect with me on Linkedin


National Deaf Children’s Society

NHS England – Action Plan on Hearing Loss

Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

